Poison I.V.


A love left behind but his poison lingered in my veins. Writing was the only way to bleed him free.

A collection of love poems.


We Ride


A thrill so serene. 

My Blair Underwood, my James Dean.  

Smooth, sweet, sexy boy. 

I'm mounted on your bike

My rose red veins swell from joy.

My arms, like vines, circle around your waist. 

I'm ready for take off,

I'm ready for a taste. 

We blast off in an icy gust, what a rush.     

My hot blood pumps harder,

I’m such a lush.

More alive than ever 

I tighten my grasp,

because of the speed?


I just love you so much. 

No space between us. 

Upon your back my helmet rests. 

The warmth from you seeps in

and fills my chest.

I close my eyes…

Safe here with you.  

Fun here with you.  

Don’t stop, Darlin. 

Keep going. 


A Smile 

The corners pull into mini half moons.

They shine a handsome devilish gleam. 

Like the joker minus his mean green. 

Corners I want to kiss,

A delicious bliss. 

Will a dose of you be the cure? 

It makes the need of its reveal so pure.  

It’s my secret addiction.

That brings about an urge

to make you grin,

just so those dazzling crescents reemerge


what a sight.

Fills me like warm tea.

Under the moonlight. 


Favorite Pas(t) Time

And we would kiss. 

For hours. 


sometimes hours... 

It was like, 

every few minutes

we would discover a new way 

to kiss 

each other’s  


We shared

each other’s  


We gave

each other  


There’s nothing like

You and I, Baby

-Sade, No Ordinary Love


 Completely Ruined

Mangos haven’t been sweet, lately.

Just sour. 

Nothing but sour grapes, too. 

Sure, they seem plump and full of promise. 

However the first bite would reveal they’re soggy and bitter. 

Along with every other fruit.



has been sweet,



Why do so many hate the cold?

I welcome the cold.

How I crave for a chilly breeze to float along and take away the simmering heat under my eyelids, brewing in a sorry salty stew.

A nice blast of frost could freeze the leaking lava that sear red hot lines down my cheeks when it escapes my bloodshot eyes.

It was my heart that was stricken first.

The pain hit with the intensity of an asteroid and sent out blasts that burned away bits of my spirit.

I feel I may combust at any moment.

Heat is blazing from my innermost core and rushing to my very tips.

My limbs swell like hot links as my boiling blood cause them to lose function.

I try to cry out but only hot steam and broken letters from broken dreams escape my throat, leaving it raw.

I have never experience a heartbreak so paralyzing.

Trembling, I can only lay here.

How I wish for a blizzard to envelope me.

Whip around my limbs until all parts of me are numb.

Extinguish my molten anguish.

No more heat.

No more pain.

Frozen in time.




No Ordinary Love

Truth is,

I could not give you my all.

But somehow,

you took away more than anyone.

You were

more than everyone.

Too scared of you,

Too scared of us.

I ran.

Like a coward.

The consequence?

A void.

A blight of emptiness.

Obliviously carried.




deep in the wells of my pain

IT was discovered,

A verdigris

polluted bubble

of poison air.

The time had come

for a vital rupture.

Release my space.

and fill the void






Goodbye, Void.


Venus Thirst Traps